She does smiles pretty cute though ^^;

Sunday, October 26, 2008


YES people... we have good news!! Indeed!


Yes! I will be reviving my blog again, and thus, reports of my everyday life will be written here once again =D

I find it Dead at first because no one rarely visits my blog but now... It will all change ^^

Well first things first, I would gladly say to myself "Welcome Back!" Since I have been away and inactive, I will try my best to at least develop this blog into smthg a little bit better ^^;

We have new Sig here, and to our new mascot of my new revived blog! HELENA SHUZZELL =D Yes, my own Originally Created Character [OC]. And to begin with this blog entry, there's none For the moment but Since now I am studying IT, most probably i might be doing things in the IT lab everyday =D and if not my laptop... but heck with it! I am active once again ^^

Many sorrows and joy had passed and now I will rewrite it all over again but this time.... about my ITE life =D [It's sucks and fun altogether =.= (i don't know what to describe this any further)]

How ironic indeed, I was active in Deviantart, and since it's almost slow down by today's mundane busyness =/ I am inactive over there and than active in here ^^; [weird practice indeed]

Ok! maybe I'll start posting new posts and pics tmrw, where me and my comrades, Commander Genocide, Niz, .... Sai [or Blax(ah wat the heck! Sorry dude i forgot abt your nick =__=;;; )] and our newly recruited member of our usual Expeditions, the ever Marine-fan Aziz [the few, the proud, the Marines] ^^;

Hope you all will be active in blogging too =D I'll see your blogs too this days ^^ so watch out for tags doods! =D

Cheeriyo ^_^>

LAST MINUTE announcement: Oh and this blog will be my 2nd Deviantart.... so you will be expecting new Manga/anime drawings from me in this blog =D

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