She does smiles pretty cute though ^^;

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

28th October, 2008


The aftermath of the hiking yesterday was quite an aching feeling -__-;

But heck! it was fun!

Anyway, didn't have much today, School was bored,
As usual u know me, Drawing is my passion! So yeah, lecturer talking, I draw, and sometimes people beside me, play psp...

What a life! ^^;

School was short.... but I've managed to give back Niz's mp3 on the way home. lol! forgot to give him back yesterday ^^;

I wonder if i should put video in here.... oh but i just Love to see Sai talking to the camera about a plant that is ... in a .... how can i say, giberish way of documentary ^^; ~ but hey! IT's COOL! =D

Maybe I should do that as a second thought <.<;

Friday will be my 2nd Practice circuit, and I think i can manage the acceleartion of the car this time i hope ^^;

*sigh* well anyways again, will be continuing to update more with pictures or just a simple life diary of today =D.

[Kinda think of it maybe i should start a journal like entry <.<; ]


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