She does smiles pretty cute though ^^;

Sunday, July 1, 2007

One way or another...I am sick~

Dear Diary,

2nd July 2007
In a room...

Had a very slight fever today, I had been choking and coughing since yesterday. Could be something got to do with that younger brother of mine whom gives me H!LL since last year.
All I could do now is.....nothing , thus, post this lousy diary in here^^;;

Hope of going to the cinemas but this throat is giving me troubles.

What should I view?.... Transformers, or Fantastic 4.....decisions decisions.

Man! This throat is irritating!! Seconds ago I was itching?!? What is going on!!?
I better get to the doctor before it gets worse.

AFBA~~~Sick and a slight fever -.-@

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