She does smiles pretty cute though ^^;

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Wednesday blues...

Today is Wednesday..... As many of PRCS students know.... it's come-to-school-late day
This new timeslot for Wednesday is a benefitial day for all pupils whom have not slept well for the two days... Monday and Tuesday (especially Tuesday which is CCA day). -_-~~

I am Sec. 5 now... going for O-levels so I will not be active in CCAs this year any longer and that's a good thing

Remedials as always.... MATHS!!!! Suplementry MATHS!!!! HAIZ~~~~~ math everywhere
-______-@ now i have maths remedials everyday making the time duration at school will be longer than ordinary.... except Fridays which i have to go Friday prayers after school.

But other than that... I have fun studying at school just now for no reason O.o???

Well this is all i have to say for today so.... i will continue the report of my life tmrw or some other day if i have time or have the chance to use this computer which is under constant control from my younger brother and my mother........ well wat can i say about them...... this comp is not my property..... it's ours^^.

Hope to have a better tmrw.. CHOW! :)

1 comment:

EternalFantasia said...

Hello,af-chan! ^^
Seems like you started to post on your blog too ne~ ^^
Sorry for leaving a message here ne!
Cos,don't want to let your blog became like mine lah,without comment or such,so...
a bit lonely~ ^^

sometimes,post some message(not personal or something) about the time you're in the forum or something on the cy family blog too ne!

Hope can see your message more on the family blog!

By: Neya