She does smiles pretty cute though ^^;

Thursday, April 5, 2007

P.E 2.4km --.--III

Today just got PE...2.4 -___-;;

Well i've passed..... but almost got heatstroke, brain pumping soooo hard I feel dizzy... almost gonna vomite after that. feel tired now..... VERY VERY TIRED!

During the run I've got whiteouts on my vision, probably signs of heatstrokes i guess... but i've made it and passed the test in the end though^^;;;;

Luckily for me, I didn't get heatstroke. Worse! Other runners feel more giddy and dizzy than me... I feel lucky that i've survived this heatstroke.

Before the run History class....wat a weird lesson . O.O~~~ teacher teaching, students sleep on the floor of the class and the teacher didn't take actions...(<.<)~~~weird....

well i am not included on the floor^^~~~ i was listening to the lesson while some "hyenas" laughing at the floor keep distracting me from the lesson... tooo funny i can't take it, I laughed the whole lesson with them -__-@...

At home not much... online for a while and type on this new blog^^... After revision i am planning to finish a pic that i just drew... hope i can colour it.... looked nice in pencil already^^

well that's for today....
hope can continue tommorow^^

Man i am still tired from the run (>3>)

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