She does smiles pretty cute though ^^;

Monday, November 26, 2007

I had a dream~ and also regarding my story(manga)

Well not anything auspicious or what...

It's just that, I had this dream of a dream~ weird

The dream was me dreaming in my dream. I was sleeping and in the dream world I am dreaming too^^; LOL!

ok~ enough of dreams~ now inspirations.

Today (26th November 2007)

I had created a new character for my story. The character is a she. As some of you know that my story is regarding War, Love, Friendship, Leadership, Trust, and last but not least, Betrayal.

Well not catchy for that sounds^^;; but all that is included in the story and the basis of it. Mostly its regarding war. The first time I create this story was about politics of how a Nation with the lack of order fighting with another. Too simple!

Later, I revolutionized the story into something which today's conflict popular at, Corruption.

The storyline is most probably dated in 2015+ where new generation armored vehicles known as, Tank Walkers, rule over the tanks. MBTs may have the same power but the walker tanks has the mobility to go through rough terrains without having problems on "caterpillars".
A normal tank will have problems on terrains which are too muddy or when its catterpillar is stuck on the ground. Well might be the same to the Tank Walkers but with a smaller base and a fictionous new Aileron system, the tank has the ability to move and stabilise its heavy weight to the mechanical legs... (Powered by a powerful hydraulic systems which can lift approximately 1000 tons of weight and more) ...easily like human legs.

This has nothing to do with the objective of the story though^^~

The objective of the story is mostly focused on one thing in particular, BGMW, Bio-Genetically Modified Weapon, or simply said, GM weapon.

The GM is an addon to a human organs which allows the "specimen" to have amazing powers that no ordinary human could bare with the overwhelming strength.
However, those who has this GM in them died in the early stages. In the story, three GM humans survived the test, making them the first ever humans to withstand such changes in the lowest possible conditions.

The research program was later not known to any foreign countries other than the primary National control Research and Development Bureau by the ERA.

ERA stands for European Republican Alliance. Consisting of all West Europe excluding Great Britain. Germany, French, Hungary, Spain and other western europe is under the ERA.

Germany hold the responsibility of all the West European nation. If one Nation is in trouble or having problems, Germany has to take action for the call. The same as EU~ but Eu however, is a second-party organisation. ERA is consisting of all the Republican nation in western europe. Hence, that is why it was called, ERA, the European Republican Alliance.

Well that will be it~ I won't tell the whole concept since it is still will be a secret to the public^^~

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Open house

Well i can't simply put this any simpler but... There will be no open house in the future^^;

sorry guys but the only open house that is "operational" is of the last one...

anyway, this is my blog so i will start of what I did today~ or what I would like to think.

22nd November 2007,

In the past one week~ I've been playing Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops Plus in my PSP and I had a bloody time trying to get my freaking ass out of that EXTREME! Level in the game~ i know, it doesn't matter here~ but i just feel like wanting to write it down besides~ its my favorite game ^^ ~ what else i should not like?

In a month time I'll be out to KL. Will be passing by to Genting but will not stay there in one of the hotels.

Well, the plan was to go to Genting only...but the sudden change of misfortunate plans that my bro wants to go to Sunway Lagoon. "That's the moment where everytime everyone will say lets go there lets go here" and no subject has changed! (I think I am too paranoid ._.)

Anyway, My younest brother's birthday has just passed and lucky him... he gots a telescope ._.

Well, he doesn't use the telescope much but my other brother uses it differently .___.;;

Instead of looking up...he looks at other ppl block and that really pisses me off D<

peeping at ppl is no good and I had to stop it~(paranoid again)

anyway, the second time...

I am quite busy this days~ after vacation, I'll be continuing to journey to find....yes....a job.


Well now the newest anime that I would like to watch now and than is Black Lagoon...

It's not an old anime nor a new one. but it's just fine^^

Well now, off to have a shower but do note...I'll try my best to update this blog as soon as possible^^;; but aside that... enjoy this Black Lagoon OT(opening theme) ^-^

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Two more days and the O-levels will be over ^o^


today is Sunday,

I didn't had much on to Social Studies but anyway, was online to get some answers for the possibilites of SS qns in the O level's paper.

For this past two weeks, I have been wondering...

Can I make it in this exam?
Can I achieve my dream goal to graduate to poly?
Can I do this even with the least possible chances of getting A2 or B3...

But all this, I can only pray and hope.

My English was OK!
My Math, left some qns but, not majority hence, ok....
My Science...will 100% be depending in the paper 1 and 2... paper 1 this coming tuesday 0800hours.

My History(Full) ... will be depending on that 85%


Well anyway, wish me luck for tomorrow than ^_^

oh and everyone too...

Inshaallah, we will triumph to the top ^-^