She does smiles pretty cute though ^^;

Friday, September 14, 2007

The misinterpretation of Al-Quran by non-believers

Mostly, this issue was regarding my debate aganst an Atheist(whom doesn't believe in the existence of God) whom pinpoint and tried to prove that our Al-Quran has a scientific error under Surah Al-Mukminun ayat 14

The surah was regarding embryology.

If you read the surah, it translated in English "alaqa" as "clot".

Now let us understand the arabic meaning of "alaqa":

1) leech-like (notice it also resemblence an embryo clinging to the wall of a mother's womb)
2) Extention thingy (still can be described a stage where the cord begin to form between the womb and the embryo[foetus])
3) A blood clot (which i will describe in details now)

Ok what the Atheist pipoint to me was that...a blood clot could not grow and can never grow because it is a clot.

Well which is of course in language terms is correct.

If you don't believe me, check the Al-Quran with Tafsiran regardless Malay or English you see "clot" and for Malay it states.

Al-Mu'minun Ayat 14:
"Kemudian mani itu Kami jadikan [segumpul darah], lalu [segumpul darah] itu Kami jadikan sepotong daging, lalu sepotong daging itu Kami jadikan tulang, lalu tulang itu Kami bunkus dengan daging, kemudian dia Kami ciptakan makhluk yang lain(manusia yang sempurna). Maka Maha suci Allah yang sebaik-baik menciptakan"

Well if you compare with the English word "clot" and "segumpul darah", what do you see? Any difference my muslim brothers and sisters? there is...

What the Al-quran trying to say here is a compiled blood(healthy blood) not as a clot(dead blood), but veins formed(which represents the pile of blood formed together) as the word "alaqa".
(which is scientifically proven veins forming in the fertiled egg attached to the womb of the mother)

The misinterpretation here is that,

People just read directly from the Tafsir, mostly English, and saw this "clot" which is dead blood cells formed together. And the non-believers saw this and never come to a conclusion and think deeper.

*If you notice when you read the Tafsir of Al-Quran, the sentenced formed were like poems. And they were. Seriously, that's it sounded like a melody to my ears^^

*TO the non-believers(can use as General Knowledge)
To understand Islam, you need three things... read the

(1) Quran


(2)Hadith(the original one and not the crooked one) (search for under Imam Hanafi, that's the correct one)(this is a teaching from our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w of the Al-Quran)

(3) Aqidah(you need this to understand the whole concept of Islam...)

A jew insulted our errors inferring with the unprovable evidence translation in English.

Believe me, I know Jews can be very clever(like the famous Albert Einstein)...but their evil laugh in that Youtube I just saw is very too convincing of the rest of their kind....

"You can't believe how sinister he laughed"...its as if he is Satan himself...

Try watching the errors in Al-quran and there is one Jew whom laughed at our mistake like a Satan...

I said "Oh My God!"/ "Ya Allah!Astaughfirullah!"

I can't believe this... a Jew making fun of our errors? and they even made DIY videos of false information that our Prophet Nabi Muhammed s.a.w beheaded Christians and Jew for Sport???! It so untrue.
(I've checked History of the prophet and the previous info of battles, and it states that the Prophet never beheaded their prisoners which are mostly Jews and one battle against the invading Romans...not a single one was beheaded. In fact, were spared an treated as equal with the rest of the Islamic soldiers, as a human being.)(This battles under Muhammed mostly were meant for defence)

I tell you this viewers of my blog...

Our prophet never had beheaded anyone. In fact, he never touched and seathed a single sword when he invade Mecca "Makkah" filled with Jews...

Our prophet is peace loving and this Jews...out of anger came out of a ridiculous lie which is totally untrue. And the Islamic History and other non-Islamic history of Mohammed s.a.w never had mentioned our prophet beheading a Christian or a Jew.

In fact, under his(muhammed s.a.w) teachings he teaches us to respect other religion and try to be reasonable.

But this Jews...

I can't say but Allah has really punished them and let them outcast to one country only. which is Israel... but they seemed proud of it all thanks to the US support. =__="

*Do note,the DIY and false info, even a christian criticise the false info of that Jew making it up.

This is why...Media is a strong Propaganda.
I don't trust a single one of it.
Even if it is biased about understand is not by Media.

It is by what you've learned and compare.
I have compare the Bible, I have even compare the Christians believes and Muslim believes... the Christians say that "Jesus was sent as a son of God because God wants the people to at least understand his teachings in a different entity"(well sounds like more of a job of a prophet don't you think?)

But the only thing that comes up in my mind about this is that...

The Al-Quran has stated that Jesus(PBUH)(Peace Be Upon Him) was born from the virgin Mary, or Mariam in arab, to be sent as a messenger and not as God.

Because if you see here>>>> God(DIVINE) wants his teachings to be sent down on Earth, created a human being(Jesus) from the womb of Mary whom has never been touched by a single male. (If God can create ADAM from earth...why not Jesus from the womb? am I right? it will be easy to God) well what's the point of all this?

The Christians believed that Jesus is the Son of God because god created Jesus in a unique and miraculous way...(this explanation has been explained from somewhere above the paragraph.)...well think this>>>How can a human being be god? If the christians believed that God passes down his divine powers to Jesus...because He just want to let the humans know that there is god...
why passes down to a human which made this my 100% full satisfactory of not seeing it the logical thing about Christianity. The flaw of this is that, it shows that God is weak!

GOD (ALLAH s.w.t) can't be weak.

A mere human mind is weak.

God is Divine, God thinking is way Highly Superior than anything in this universe because he's the Creator of the Universe.

This is why, I compared and believed that, after certain all makes sense. Islam show things logically. Instead of giving God's divine powers to Jesus.
God created, do note, create the power which we call wahyu to Jesus(PBUH). That's why Jesus can revive someone...but not the dead. In christian it focuses on Jesus too much that God has become a second thing and that now they see God as weak(in our view)(because this is a human weakness that a God can't have which they have input)

Regarding the Atheist...I am fighting words with him and try to prove that there is God in this world.

Atheist believes in Science and all explanation of living as science. But what they haven't really truly understand is that...things in this world cannot be predicted or intepretted with science.

Eg: Natural Disasters

Science can only measure and detect them....

But science could not predict when it will strike...

Only Allah knows all.

In the Name Of Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful...

In this holy month of Ramadhan we should not start a single anger or negativeness to this country and the world.

But I felt like crying...

Our teens....of this country and this world,

Has turned to the darkness and the influences of Western culture.

EMO, Punk, and all other western cultures which bring the negativeness to our religion.

This problems, had caused me to feel that, we should do something to this people before it is too late. Not the non-believers...

but to our own.

May Allah Guide Us To The Right Path.

This is AFBA,
hoping a peaceful month of Ramadhan,

May Peace Be Upon You.

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