She does smiles pretty cute though ^^;

Monday, September 17, 2007

Another day...


After what I typed previously on the previous post...
Planned to end it^^;


17th September 2007

My preliminary is still going on and I am suppose to be studying like what my MSN slogan states^^; "Why am I here? Shouldn't I be studying?" ^^;

Anyway, after gaining religious knowledge since yesterday... my mind was calm and confident ^^

But, it made me confuse in the beginning...but in the end after certain thinking, it all make sense to me.

That shouldn't be bothered as human minds has certain limits to understanding things.
Including me, but my certainty is 100% full-proof.

Today had collected 6 "bubur masjid"
and some remaining three are kept for sahur =)

Today was a fine and windy day...except for somethings that occured this morning^^


Just got back from tuition...was sleepy(damn sleepy =_=@)

But still gotta hang of it^^;

Anyway, day is neutral and its quite dull sometimes^^;;;;;;;;

AFBA singing off~ peace

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