She does smiles pretty cute though ^^;

Saturday, April 28, 2007

The eye...... (Rakon / Rakov / Wilfred / Hans?)

This is an example of a characters eye i want to put in.... but i don't know wat should i use this eye to??? >.>???

Here's are the characters background and i need YOU! to decide ^^~~~ thx(this is to anyone whom visited my blog^^ give results by posting comments thank you^^)

Contestant 1: Rakon

position : 2nd main character

Age : 20something i don't know++

Status : A GM...(genetically modified) human.... eyes will turn white if his GMDNA is in use. All his childhood has been in the millitary research lab... always calm and serious... never had in his whole life outside with civilians...onli in the research lab as a specimen... a depressed person with calm eyes -.- /\ like the above...

Contestant 2: Rakov

position : .......... donno..... rakon's brother.....maybe somewhere around....10th position?^^;;;;;

Age : younger than Rakon

Status : A GM... probably the first ever created to be a proto GM, he escaped with the help of Shtoffel... a the ERA. His role is very confusing because he neither help the ERA nor the RFA..... his a mercenary.... could say that^^;; as Rakon's brother eyes might be the same with him.

Contestant 3: Wilfred Von Hess

Role : A colonel in the 105th same with Hans

Age : 30+

Status: A colonel in the 105th same rank as Hans..... his a character which will look almost bi-shounen.... beautiful face some could say for this character because he attracts female characters in the story^^;;

Contestant 4: Hans

Role: The overall commander for the 105th

Age: 35

Status: The very demanding leader o.o.... overall.... he's a commander of the assault division, 105th division and the one in-charge of the armoured division and the walker division >.>(could say supreme commander for the 105th) unlike Wilfred, whom onli incharge of Infantry movements, Hans is the total commander for all!!! BWAHAHAHA!!!! (insane mode-.-~~)

so that's all the characters contestants for this manga.... pls vote for one....or two......or maybe all^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...............................your choice n your decision... thx^^~~~

Friday, April 27, 2007

Tablet PC


nvm about that ^^

well my first try out with a tablet pc but it turns out strange after drawing with the feeling of dizziness in me...... *sigh* (maybe i should do a new one) well here's mt pic

maybe i should make a new one ~~~~~>.>

Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday blues =.=~~~

23rd April 2007

Today not much of a day to study~~~ could say that.... but i feel sleepy from yesterday =.=

I felt awkward and strange this days for some reason >.>?............(not to mention)

Rain...rain...rain(a blessing n a curse for some), but it turned out to make my day cool ^^~

Didn't go to forum and post much this days cause of busy studying....n doing other stuffs^^;.

In malay:

Mak!!! hujan!! ape nak buat?.... tidur...=.=ZzZzZzz

Tak banyak nak cakap hari ini... Tetapi ini adalah "testing" bahasa melayu di blog ni ^^;;
(Boleh cakaplah, saya merepek -.-~ tapi peperiksaan Bahasa Melayu peringkat O dah nak dekat, apa nak buat?.... Test bahasa melayu di sini ajer ah! hehehe~~~^^;;;;;;;;;;) [aku tahu aku merepek sikit, but this is me, what to say ^_^;;]

In English:

Well that was my message in malay ^^;; meant for my malay frens and maybe some who knows (<..>)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Today at Suntec and short visit to Funan

Today I've gone to Suntec City with my family but it was not quite wat i want after a quarrel in Carrefoure ^^;;.... but it seems fine after that. ^^~~

Well not much to say about today's outing.... very not entertaining -.-~~ first lunch KFC then dinner at Secret Recipe restaurant. more window shopping... and saw a GRAPPHIRE tablet pen... i want that thing very much because of it's unique way of letting me to draw nice pics on comp ^^!... That's when we go to Funan to Challenger... but to no avail and for a short-time, we turned back and gone straight home after reaching there and realising Challenger store closes at 8.30pm in Funan -__-@... I was really on to that Tablet Pen -______-~~~ But not to worry!! Tmrw is still another day! ^^;;

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A new unit still under research for my manga...

This is a GM.... a unit which i am researching on... possible an unstoppable character with power unimaginable to the world... The story behind this unit is that they don't come from boot camps which normal soldiers would do.... but from a research facility manufacturing high-tech and sophisticated weaponary that is way beyond the technology of today(sci-fi theme). This soldiers are soldiers... weapons... a tool for the army. Under research by the founder of GMDNA, HELENA... this so called "human weapons" are the ones that will replace tactical weapons such as missiles and projectiles, as this soldiers can be deadlier than any weapon imaginable today.

The significance about this GM is that... they can follow orders of their commanders and execute them till their very end. A perfect soldier of every army commanders dream... but this ultimate dream... has a cause. GMs later on in the story of my manga will go deviance with their commanders orders and prefer to liberate themselves from this slavery... a virus has emerged...

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The prayer


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

This sux! I slept in an open-book test -__-@ WTH!!

DANG!!! I've slept in class during an open-book test! -.-\

*Huge sigh* Why must it be the time when it is an open-book test! Sianz (>.>)~~~ well don't blame me because I sleep in class. . . . . (0.0). . . . . i've tried my best ok for that test.

(but even if i say this many times i will never get a passing mark -___-@ I can't stand like this! How to survive O-levels like that?)

There's onli one way to get this thing is to study hard of course ^^

Well other than that.... Remedials as always and maths. Phew! So hard (for me) wish I am good at that..... Science won't be a problem if I am good at Maths ^^;;

Well........ >.>'s my latest work on the eye with a GIMP software <.<;; (don't know why they call it GIMP? Strange o.O?)

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Saturday numb.... -__-III

Today i've got a bad feeling about my skills and i was right!

I suddenly realised till today that my drawings are not improving but disapproving!! WTH!!

Need more practise....!!!



A pencil and.....


To DRAW!! AAAAAARGH!!!(seriously i am suffering from this sickness where if i found my drawings disimproving i would want to improve it -__-;;)

well that's for today Folks. ^^ i am off to get to my private room and have a good self-teaching lesson tonight..... A very GOOD ONE! (^_^;)>

Thursday, April 5, 2007

P.E 2.4km --.--III

Today just got PE...2.4 -___-;;

Well i've passed..... but almost got heatstroke, brain pumping soooo hard I feel dizzy... almost gonna vomite after that. feel tired now..... VERY VERY TIRED!

During the run I've got whiteouts on my vision, probably signs of heatstrokes i guess... but i've made it and passed the test in the end though^^;;;;

Luckily for me, I didn't get heatstroke. Worse! Other runners feel more giddy and dizzy than me... I feel lucky that i've survived this heatstroke.

Before the run History class....wat a weird lesson . O.O~~~ teacher teaching, students sleep on the floor of the class and the teacher didn't take actions...(<.<)~~~weird....

well i am not included on the floor^^~~~ i was listening to the lesson while some "hyenas" laughing at the floor keep distracting me from the lesson... tooo funny i can't take it, I laughed the whole lesson with them -__-@...

At home not much... online for a while and type on this new blog^^... After revision i am planning to finish a pic that i just drew... hope i can colour it.... looked nice in pencil already^^

well that's for today....
hope can continue tommorow^^

Man i am still tired from the run (>3>)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Wednesday blues...

Today is Wednesday..... As many of PRCS students know.... it's come-to-school-late day
This new timeslot for Wednesday is a benefitial day for all pupils whom have not slept well for the two days... Monday and Tuesday (especially Tuesday which is CCA day). -_-~~

I am Sec. 5 now... going for O-levels so I will not be active in CCAs this year any longer and that's a good thing

Remedials as always.... MATHS!!!! Suplementry MATHS!!!! HAIZ~~~~~ math everywhere
-______-@ now i have maths remedials everyday making the time duration at school will be longer than ordinary.... except Fridays which i have to go Friday prayers after school.

But other than that... I have fun studying at school just now for no reason O.o???

Well this is all i have to say for today so.... i will continue the report of my life tmrw or some other day if i have time or have the chance to use this computer which is under constant control from my younger brother and my mother........ well wat can i say about them...... this comp is not my property..... it's ours^^.

Hope to have a better tmrw.. CHOW! :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The beginning

Well finally i have made a blog here.... seeing i don't have much to edit around well i can just post more or share my art stuff here.