She does smiles pretty cute though ^^;

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

National Day

9th AUGUST 2007



National day, a day of patriotic moments^^

But what's the point of being patriotic if I can't even celebrate this National Day like every citizen of a nation should?

Well, a solution^^

In this world of modern technology...Internet has spread its wings to information such as media, audio, news and etc. in this world of modern living...what else could you miss. Am I right?^^

As I am...using this computer/Internet...surfing the WWW(World Wide Web), I can't miss a thing of what is going on outside.

It is really a pure and perfect social living.
People communicate in MSN, e-mail, internet communication such as Skype. This things...huh, well why not enjoy it?^^

Why I am writing this?


This is my self-reflection of living in a world where almost +80% of the people in Singapore has an Internet at home...Information of the outside is very easy to get in...or get out.

Some will abuse...
While some, will use it for a good use.


well I will most personally use this technology as a way of understanding my self.^^

That is all...

And to end this personal message~~ I will gladly say "Happy our wonderful and ever-growing nation"


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