She does smiles pretty cute though ^^;

Friday, June 22, 2007

Publishing forum~~

Just got a ticket for the comics publishing forum today^^!

Feeling excited(a great big leap forward to my dreams -_- *i can feel it*)

22nd June 2007

Had a ticket.... preparing to visit it......>.< can't wait!

Plain and simple ( i think I write too much until now feels tired to even repeatedly write the same thing down from my deviantart journal today<.<~~lol^^;;)

Well is great today, no trouble but some minor difficulties and should not be worried^^;

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Woot finally an entry too....


17th June 2007

The day where....*WTH! get off my bed! Hey you! Stop there!! FREEZE!!*
*ahem....sorry that was my bro playing around on my bed^^;*

ok where was I>.>.................................oh yeah^^!

ok today is the day where we will celebrate the final day of weekends of this holiday, nxt week will be, school reopens and wala! Day of torment+ depression as always at home -____-@

wish this is fast but now it seems that time tdo passes by very fast indeed.........very, very,very fast<.<;

well anyway nthg to say got the comp, dad's out, mom's out.. so comp

Saturday, June 9, 2007

My signature for the forum~~^^;;

Helena Shuzzell ~~ big sister (oneesan) ~~to Iris Shuzzell

Sunday, June 3, 2007

my doodles.. lol!!^^;;

OH and this =D~~~ well... it's my try out of folds... yes it's slanted because it's meant to be a doodle but in the end completed the picture~^_^

Saturday, June 2, 2007